Mechanism of Fluoride Toxicity in Ground water

Fluoride contamination in the groundwater has got great attention in last few decades due to their toxicity. Fluoride when ingested in small quantities (<0.5 mg/L) is beneficial in promoting dental health by reducing dental caries, whereas higher concentrations (>1.5 mg/L) may cause fluorosis. It is estimated that about 200 million people, from among 25 nations the world over, may suffer from fluorosis

Mechanisms of high Fluoride ( F ) concentrations in groundwater in arid and semiarid regions is the condensation of soluble components due to evaporation. Although this mechanism could not be evaluated at present due to the small study area, it is supposed that the evaporation-condensation mechanism would not be important in the studied groundwater, since there is no good positive correlation between F and Cl, which is the most conservative element during evaporation and condensation. Chloride also shows a positive correlation with Na+ , whole Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO3 .

Different methods to remove fluoride from water such as reverse omosis, electro coagulation, nanofiltration, adsorption, ion-exchange and precipitation/coagulation were introduced


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